JT Trinidad


JT Trinidad (b. 2001) is a filmmaker-critic based in Manila. Their most recent film, the river that never ends was included in CNN’s Best Filipino Films 2022, as well as another short titled like people, they change too.

JT’s debut film as if nothing happened competed at the London Short Film Festival and was included in CNN's Best Filipino Films of 2020. Their shorts have been selected and won at QCinema International Film Festival, SeaShorts Film Festival, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival, Kaohsiung Film Festival, JOGJA NETPAC Asian Film Festival, and Singapore International Film Festival. Their writings have been published in Sine Liwanag and Sinegang.ph.

They are an alumnus of Ricky Lee's Screenwriting Workshop, Mowelfund Film Institute, and US-based nomadic film school Film Futura.


JT Trinidad tells a story of love and decay. Connections rupture quietly amidst unrelenting places—a loneliness wrung from distant longings.